Fill and Filter Functions


The smoothing of surfaces plays an important part in the creation of textures. Many functions work better if used on a smoothed texture.

Every pixel will be interpolated with its neighbors. Edges will be smoothed and the image will become less sharp. You can define the amount of pixels, which are interpolated, with the smooth radius parameter. The higher you set this value the more the image will be blurred.

Textures usually look better if you make them a bit three-dimensional. However, the bump functions can do a lot more. For example, they can also unsharpen textures to create interesting and complex patterns.
Bump creates a highmap which depends on the inner contrast of the texture, and like Water, it uses Pre-Smoothing. The bump functions modify the whole texture. In these examples the light source is located at the upper left.

Free Light
This function simulates light which is located at the place that can be defined with the direction parameter. It also drops shadows and illuminates the texture by using the triple point algorithm. Nice results are created if you use the function on several different directions and different colors.

Simple "bumping" brightens the pixels on the side of the light and darkens pixels in the shadows. The effect is compounded when used several times.

This function is a variation of the simple bump. The pixels will be shifted isometrically. Edges will be sharpened, resulting in stripes and tears.

Unsharp textures get shiny spots which make them look wet.

Left Light
Simulates a light on the left side with drop-shadows. Nice results are created with a high quantize value.

Triple Point
Triple Point is similar to Simple Bump. Three instead of two pixels are used to check contrast. This function produces 3D effects and dry looking textures (with deactivated pre-smoothing).

\Edge Trace
These functions use an algorithm which finds the nearest pixel of a different color. Depending on how far away this pixel is, a certain color will be set. The maximum measurable distance can be set with the edge size parameter, the sharpness can be configured with multiply. Edge mode gives you the ability to define the look of the edges :

Mode 1 : Linear
Mode 2 : Curved
Mode 3 : Negative

Click on the pixel which contains the color to be replaced.

Additionally, you can draw a texture over the created object. This texture has to be set as the source. To do so, activate the Use Source as Texture switch. Usually the color white will be used as the light color, but you can change this by activating Secondary Color Light.

Primary-to-Secondary Color Gradient
The edges of the selected areas will be replaced by a color gradient.

This function simulates a light coming from above. Good effects can be achieved with large edge size and small multiply values. A surface will get a 3D effect.

The pixels get darker as they near the edge. Use this on colored areas with dark spots to simulate holes and tears.

Smooth Light
The smooth light function is similar to the light function. The brightness on the rendered object is dependent on the angle between the light source and the edge. Use a small Angle Check value for good results. By using this function you can also render great looking 3D text if you combine the smooth light and the shadow edge trace functions.

This function does not modify the selected areas, but instead darkens an offset area of pixels below. The greater the distance between a pixel and the area's edge, the darker it becomes. Use this several times to get a dark shadow.

Noise functions are very useful for specific material effects.

This function creates a random value for each pixel, which can be either positive or negative, and adds this value to the pixel's brightness. You can simulate erosion and rough surfaces.

With this function you can simulate scratches on surfaces. It's just blending the texture with thin parallel lines, which can be configured with the direction parameter. Brushed-metal textures can be created with this function.

Here you can draw spots on the texture, simulating dirt. You have the following possibilities :

The dirt spots will be drawn on the texture using the primary color.

This operation blends the spots with the texture.

The spots will be blended with a higher weight toward the center.

Use the Plasma functions to mix textures with a plasma fractal, to create new base textures, or to replace areas.

Use this function to replace the whole texture with a plasma (solid). If you set the opacity value to lower than 100 the plasma will blend with the texture.
Full (Vollstaendig)
Mit dieser Funktion können Sie die gesamte Textur durch ein Plasma ersetzen. Wenn Sie den Opacity Wert auf weniger als 100 setzen wird sich das Plasma mit dem Hintergrund mischen.

Color Replace
Here you have the option to replace all areas having the same color with a plasma using the primary
color. If you set the opacity value to lower than 100 the plasma will blend with the texture.

These functions can replace a color by something else.

Source Texture
This function replaces every area with the texture which was set as source similar to the solid function.

The solid function replaces every area, which has the same color like the clicked one, with the primary color.

Here you get special operations which can produce interesting effects.

This function changes the whole texture into a relief using the primary color. Use the parameter edge height to adjust the new texture's contrast.

Rain blends thin, parallel and primary-colored lines with the texture. The direction can be adjusted using the direction parameter.

The shadow function makes every selected area drop a solid shadow on the texture.

\Water Functions
Water Functions shift all pixels of a texture dependent on the current selected mode and the condition of the texture. The direction and a pre-smoothing can be configured to make the function more effective.

Pre-Smoothing : Some operations create a highmap of the texture, which is dependent on the brightness of each pixel. The highmap of an image with high contrast and sharpness can be unsuitable, and will be smoothed x times. You can also configure a quantize value, which divides the highmap into different levels.

Two-Way Water
Similar to normal water, but the whole texture is also shifted in the opposite direction. The shift value depends upon the average brightness of all pixels. This function can be used to make an unsharp texture look like cast metal or smoothed rock.

Normal Water
This function shifts a pixel more the brighter it is. Used several times it creates a kind of wave-effect.

Interpolating Water
A variation of normal water. The texture will be blended with its "watered" copy. It is used to create bump maps or a texture base.

Smoothed Water
Very chaotic and complex textures are usually not suitable for background pictures. This function used several times creates areas with little contrast or turbulence.

Quad Water
This is a combined function of two-way water functions. It performs four operations to orthogonal directions. The functions produces a contracting effect like an oil-painted image. A small radius is recommended.

This function simulates refraction. The texture will be distorted like being situated under an object. The surface of this object is the texture itself or the source texture, if defined. For example the effect looks very good if you've created another texture before with the generator \ water interference function and use it as source.

\Flood Fill
Sometimes it's necessary only to replace certain areas and not all pixels with the same color. Using this function you can also use textures as a fill medium to create interesting fractal effects.

This function replaces the selected area with the primary color. If you set the opacity value to lower than 100 the function will blend with the texture.

Hacked Flood Fill is a very strange function. It creates triangles and other angular objects on the selected area.

Cloud Blend
This is also a very special function. While filling it creates fringes at the borders. The borders are highly variable. If you use it right you can produce cloudy objects.

Texture \ Shifted Source
This function is like the normal source flood fill, but the source texture will be drawn shifted every time you use it.

Texture \ Source
The source will be used as the fill texture. It is important that the source's dimensions are a straight
fraction of the texture to be modified, like 1, 1/2, 1/3 etc.